MGMT 466 - Chapter 13 - Strategic Entrepreneurship

21 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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Organizational culture
Complex set of ideologies, symbols, and core values that are shared throughout the firm and that influence how the firm conducts business
Strategic entrepreneurship
Taking entrepreneurial actions and using a strategic perspective 1st word: determining the best way to manage a firm's innovation efforts
2nd word: identifying opportunities to exploit through innovations
Corporate entrepreneurship
Use or application of entrepreneurship within an established firm
The process by which individuals, teams, or organizations identify and pursue entrepreneurial opportunities without being immediately constrained by the resources they currently control
Entrepreneurial opportunities
Conditions in which new goods and services can satisfy a need in the market
Schumpeter's types of innovative activities (3)
1. invention
2. innovation
3. imitation
Act of creating or developing a new product or process
Process of creating a commercial product from an invention
The adoption of a similar innovation by different firms
Invidiuals, acting independently or as part of an organization, who perceive an entrepreneurial opportunity and then take risks to develop an innovation to exploit it
Entrepreneurial mind-set
Person values uncertainty in the marketplace and seeks to continuously identify opportunities with the potential to lead to important innovations
International entrepreneurship
A process in which firms creatively discover and exploit opportunities that are outside their domestic markets in order to develop a competitive advantage
Types of internal innovations using R&D activities (2)
1. incremental innovation
2. radical innovation
Incremental innovation
Build on existing knowledge bases and provide small improvements in the current product lines; evolutionary and linear in nature; more frequenty because: cheaper, easier and faster to produce, less risk
Radical innovation
Provide significant technology breakthroughs and create new knowledge; revolutionary and non-linear; contribute more significantly to ear above-average returns but more risky