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Do you treat the detox symptoms or the alcohol psych problem first??
Detox symptoms
Co-morbidity of alcoholism
6 out of 10 people have a mental health disorder who have alcoholism
Symptoms of Alcohol Abuse
Maladaptive pattern
Recurrent usage
Little psychological dependence
No signs of withdrawal
Addiction or Dependence-
A pattern of out of control or compulsive use of psychoactive substances in which use continues despite negative consequences
Pharmacologic property of some abused substances in which increased amounts over time are required to achieve similar results in earlier use
Which axis is substance abuse/dependency?
Axis 1
Withdrawal syndrome
Substance specific signs and symptoms precipitated by abrupt cessation or reduction of a substance that produces tolerance and dependence after prolonged use
Alcoholism Disease Theory
Recognizes substance dependence as a complex biological and psychosocial disorder that is chronic, progressive, and potentially fatal.
-Moves away from alcoholism as Geneta problem of flawed character -Addict is seen as someone in need of help -Addiction involves biological, psychological and social factors |
Genetic factors of alcoholism
-tendency to become addicted is inheritied-increased vulnerability to addiction to drugs when family history is present-does not guarantee development of addiction but increases risk
Biologic Theory of Alcoholism
-alcohol and drug use may be a result of imbalances in neurotransmitters-person self-medicating-incentive salience-gene therapy
Incentive Salience
Cues sensitivity when exposed to substance. reason for first year relapses
Psychosocial Theories of Alcoholism
-disease with feelings-lack of success-maladaptive coping-risk taking propensity-low self esteem-lack of meaningful relationships
Sociocultural Theories of Alcoholism
-it is a learned behavior-socio-economic stress-helps cope with anxiety
Substance Intoxication
-reversible substance specific syndrome-recent ingestion-causes behavioral and psychological changes-effects CNS
Synergistic Effects of Alcoholism
Refers to intensification or prolongation of drugs taken together (ex: alcohol and valium= both downers)