Medical Terminology - Hematology

Hematology, study of the blood

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Primary function is to transport nutrients throughout the body. Also prevents toxic buildup in the body by providng a transportation medium to remove waste products.
Straw colored liquic portion of blood. Consists of about 91.5% water, along with over 100 different solutes ( nutrients, hormones, nitrogenous wastes, respiratory gases, and electrolytes). Plasma proteins made by the liver are the most plentiful solutes.
Red blood cell. The only human cells without a nucleus. Live 120 days.
Iron protein in erythrocytes.
WBCs, crucial ot our defense against disease. The circulatory system transports them to various areas of the body where they are needed to mount inflammatory or immune responses. Fewer in numbers than erythocytes and have nuclei.
Platelets, smallest elements in blood. Initiate blood clotting when injuries occur and help to close tears in damaged blood vessels. Less than half the size of red blood cells, and Live approximately 10 days.
Blood clotting/ coagulation
Happens when platelets trigger chemical reactions that result in a release of protein called thromboplastic
Erythr/o, erythr/o/poiesis
Red, formation of red blood cells (formation/production)
Hem/o, hemophilia
Blood, (attraction for) group of hereditary bleeding disorders marked by definciencies of blood clotting proteins.
Hemat/o, hematoma
Blood, localized mass of blood confined to an organ, tissue, or space, caused by a break in a blood vessel.
Leuk/o, leukocyte
White, white blood cell.
Myel/o, myelosuppression
Bone marrow, suppression of bone marrow function.
Thromb/o, thrombolysis
Blood clot, dissolution of a blood clot.
Aniso- aniso/cyt/osis
Unequal, dissimilar, abnormal condition of the blood characterized by excessive red blood cells of variable and abnormal size.
Mono-, mono/cyte
One, relatively large mononuclear leukocyte. (cell)