Medical Terminology Ch 13

Chapter 13- The Ear

44 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Acous/o audi/o
Aur/i ot/o
Eustachian tube or uterine tube
Tympan/o myring/o
Hearing condition
External auditory meatus (canal)
External passage for sounds collected from the pinna to the tympanum
Middle ear -TM -malleus, incus, stapes
Tympanic membrane- eardrum; recieves sound collected in the ext auditory meatus and amplifies it through the middle ear
Eustachian tube auditory tube
Tube connecting the middle ear to the pharynx (throat)
Mastoid process
Projection in the temporal bone located behind the ear containing air cells that connect to the middle ear
Oval window
Membrane that covers the opening between the middle ear and inner ear
Inner ear (labyrinth, cochlea, perilymph, endolymph, organ of corti, vestibule, utricle, saccule, semicirch canals)
Inner ear- structures and liquids that relay sound waves to the auditory nerve fibers on a path to the brain for interpretation of sound
Maze; inner ear consisting of bony and membranous labyrinths
Coiled tubular structure of the inner ear that contain the organ of Corti
Fluid that fills the bony labyrinth of the ear