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Catacombs of St. Peter and Marcellinus, Rome, 4th c. Dome of heaven over tomb of deceased. Christ as the good shepherd. salvation through faith.
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Dura Europos synagogue, Moses and the Rock of Horeb. 3rd century, Syria. Water goes to each thirsty tribe in the desert because Moses struck rock with his staff. not life-like.
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Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus. Rome, 359. A roman consort, converted to catholicism on deathbed. Shows classical influences through body figures. Salvation through faith.
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Arch of Constantine. Rome, 312-315. Short, flattened features. frieze with Constantine handing out money. focus on simple, legible style.
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Santa Costanza, Rome, 337-351. mausoleum, vault mosaics. round building, pagan subjects with Christian meaning, geometric ornament. Included is a portrait of Costanza surrounded by vines with Eucharistic meaning.
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Santa Maria Maggiore. Rome, 423-440. Mosaics, church dedicated to Virgin mother of God. Pictures became accepted everywhere because of Pope Gregory the Great. 3-D imagery died out.
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Galla Placida Mausoleum, Ravenna, Italy, 425. Capital moved by Honorius from Rome to Ravenna. Vault mosaic with 4 evangelists: mark as lion, luke as ox, matthew as man, john as eagle. Good shepherd mosaic with illusionistic background (Roman tradition). Figural scenes and geometric decoration.
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Sant Appolinare Nuovo, Ravenna, Italy. 514. Miracle of Loaves and Fishes mosaic. Christ calm, in purple. Cross on his head, main concern is making story clear. symbolic manifestation of Christ's power.