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![]() The wheels are connected by a belt. As the wheel on the left makes one revolution, the wheel on the right makes less than one revolutionexactly one revolutionmore than one revolution |
More than one revolution
![]() If the wheel on the left turns clockwise, in which direction does the wheel on the right turn? ClockwiseCounterclockwise |
A woman sits in a dragster at the beginning of a race. As the light turns green, she steps on the accelerator. At the moment the dragster begins to accelerate what is her weight pushing into the seat relative to while the car was stationary?
Less than stationaryThe same as stationary More than while stationary |
More than while stationary
![]() All the gears in the system are moving and Gear 1 rotates clockwise. What other gears in the system also rotate clockwise? 2 and 4 2 and 5 3 and 5 |
3 and 5
![]() In which case is less force needed to move weight (W) up the ramp? A B The force is the same in each case. |
![]() If each pendulum is released from the position shown, which pendulum requires the longest amount of time to complete one swing? A B The times are equal |
![]() The voltage drop or potential difference is greater across which resistor? Ra Rb It is the same across either resistor |
It is the same across either resistor
![]() If the large portion has 3 times the surface area of the small piston, how far must the small piston be pushed down to raise the large piston 1 inch? 1/2 inch 1 inch 3 inches |
3 inches
If you had to swim across a fast moving stream exactly perpendicular to the banks, when you arrived at the far bank where would ur position be relative to where u started across?
Upstream from where you started Directly across from where you started Downstream from where you started |
Directly across from where you started
According to the answer sheet given, directly across from where you started, current was not considered in the answer. Check this discussion: /forum/showthread.php?t=4913 |
![]() If the three squad leaders are to stay on line, which of them must turn the most slowly? ABC |
![]() In order to balance the scale above, the fulcrum should be moved toward A toward B in either directions |
Toward B
![]() If the scale was balanced before u moved the fulcrum, which of the balls is more dense? Ball A Ball B They have the same density |
Ball B
![]() Where would it be best to hold a pruners' handles while trying to cut a branch? A B It does not matter |
![]() If the current leaves the battery in the direction shown in the diagram, what is the direction of the current in resistor X? A B There is no current in the resistor |
![]() The voltage drop is greater across which resistor Rx Ry It is the same across either resistor |