MBE Contracts Cards

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133 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

Cards In This Set

Front Back
Contract - Defined
A legally enforceable agreement
Express K - Defined
K created by oral or written words
Implied K - Defined
K created by conduct
Quasi K - Defined
Equitable Remedy applied when K law yields unfair result

example: unjust enrichment, promissory estoppel
K Formation - Elements


Offer - Defined
Manifestation of Intent to be Bound by words or conduct
Are Advertisements Offers?
Generally no b/c no quantity terms and too many can accept to assume the advertiser intended to be bound by all who could accept
Offer - Elements
Quantity Terms

Price Terms

NOTE: Key is Definiteness of Terms
Requirements K - Defined
K where quantity is measured by buyer's requirements
Termination of Offer - Methods
1. Lapse
2. Revocation
3. Rejection
4. Death
Lapse - Defined
Termination of offer after a stated term or after a reasoanble time if not stated term
Revocation - Methods
Direct Revocation

Indirect Revocation
Direct Revocation Defined
Offeror's unambiguous indication to offeree he no longer intends to be bound
Indirect Revocation Defined
Offeror conduct indicating he no longer intends to be bound
Revocation - Timing Rule
Offer may be revoked any time before acceptance

Revocation is effective upon receipt