Matter and Chemical Change - Concept 1

57 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Define matter.
Anything that has mass and occupies space.
What are the lab safety rules?
  1. Read all written instructions carefully before doing an activity.
  2. Listen to all instructions and follow them carefully.
  3. Wash your hands thoroughly after each activity and after handling chemicals.
  4. Wear safety googles, gloves, or an apron as required.
  5. Think before you touch. Equipment may be hot and substances may be dangerous.
  6. Smell a substance by fanning the smell toward you with your hand. Do not put your nose close to the substance.
  7. Do not taste anything in the lab.
  8. Tie back loose hair and roll up loose sleeves.
  9. Never pour liquids into containers held in your hand. Place a test tube in a rack before pouring substances in it.
  10. Clean up any spelled substances immediately as instructed by your teacher.
  11. Never look into test tubes or containers from the op. Always look through the sides.
  12. Never use cracked or broken glassware. Make sure you follow your teacher's instructions when getting rid of broken glass.
  13. Label any container you put chemicals in.
  14. Report all accidents and spills immediately to your teacher.
  15. If there are WHMIS (Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System) safety symbols on any chemical you will be using, make sure that you understand all the symbols.
Define WHMIS.
Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System
What are some general safety precautions in the lab.
  1. Inform your supervisor of health-related problems, allergies.
  2. Never eat or drink in the lab area.
  3. Do not attempt lab activities at home unless told to do so by your teacher, and only under the direct supervision of an adult.
  4. Touch substances only when told to do so.
  5. Smell substances using the proper technique - wafting fumes toward you. Chemicals should always be smelled by holding the container in front of your face and slowly (in a circular motion) wafting the vapours toward your nose. Never place the chemical right at your nose and inhale.
  6. Pour substances properly and safely.
  7. Rinse off substances immediately that come into contact with skin or clothing.
  8. Wash hands after handling substances and before leaving the lab.
  9. Clean up all spills immediately.
  10. Dispose of harmful substances by following teacher's directions.
  11. Work quietly and carefully.
  12. Never work alone
  13. Wear appropriate clothing
  14. Wear safety equipment
  15. Have hair tied back
  16. Wear long sleeves and long pants.
  17. Wear chemical-resistant apron or lab coat
  18. Wear chemical splash goggles or face shield and protective or insulated gloves
  19. Wear closed-toed shoes.
Illustrate the safety hazard symbols for:
  1. caution
  2. warning
  3. hazard
Identify and illustrate the WHMIS symbol for corrosive.
Identify and illustrate the WHMIS symbol for toxic effects.
Identify and illustrate the WHMIS symbol for oxidizing materials.
Identify and illustrate the WHMIS symbol for biohazard.
Identify and illustrate the WHMIS symbol for poisonous.
Identify and illustrate the WHMIS symbol for flammable.
Identify and illustrate the WHMIS symbol for compressed gas.
Identify and illustrate the WHMIS symbol for highly/dangerously reactive.
Identify three common states of matter.
Liquid, vapour and solid.
What changes occur between each state of matter?