Math: Unit 1 Vocabulary Flashcards

Everyday Math, Unit 1: Number Theory

17 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Commutative Property of Multiplication
Two numbers can be multiplied in any order without changing the product.
(a x b = b x a)
Composite number
A counting number greater than 1 that has more than two factors
Divisibility rule
A shortcut for determining whether a counting number is divisible by another counting number without actually doing the division
Divisible by
If the larger of two counting numbers can be divided by the smaller with no remainder, then the larger is divisible by the smaller
A small raised number used in exponential notation to tell how many times the base is used as a factor
Each of the two or more numbers in a product
(Ex. 7 and 3 are factors of 21)
Factor pair
Two factors of a counting number x whose product is x
Factor rainbow
A way to show factor pairs in a list of all the factors of a number
Factor string
A counting number written as a product of two or more of its counting number factors other than 1
Prime factorization
A counting number written as a product of prime number factors
Prime number
A counting number greater than 1 that has exactly two whole-number factors, 1 and itself
The result of multiplying two numbers, called factors
The result of dividing one number by another number
Rectangular array
Any arrangement of objects in rows and columns that form a rectangle
Square array
A rectangular array having the same number of rows and columns