Maternity: Exam 2 Review

232 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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The most common Version is where the fetus is changed from breech to cephalic presentation? How many weeks gestation must it be? What test done first?
External Cephalic Version (ECV) / 36 / Nonstress Test (w/ reactive result)
Presentation where the umbilical cord is interposed between the cervix and the presenting part
Funic Presentation
Cervical Readiness for induction included dilation of > ____, Effacement of ____%, Consitency of _____, and Position of ______
Dilation (at least 2 cm), Effacement (50%+) Consistency ('soft'), Position (-1 to +1 station)
____ is a technique by which warmed, sterile normal saline or Ringer's Lactate is introduced into the uterus to provide an extra cushion of fluid relieving pressure on the umbilical cord (decel of FHR, or non-reassuring fetal status)
What are the two types of Episiotomies?
Midline & Mediolateral
What 4 things warrant forceps assisted birth regarding the mother? (4) regarding the fetus? (2)
Heart Disease, Pulmonary Edema, Infection, Exhaustion / Premature Placental Separation, Nonreassuring Fetal Status
A successful VBAC is 50% less likely in women with a BMI of > ____
The first breath is chemically triggered by increased ____ and decrease __and__
PCO2 / pH & PO2
The first breath is thermally triggered by ______
Decreased environmental temperature compared to uterus
The first breath is sensory stimulated by ____ (4)
Light, Sound, Gravity, Touch (especially baby-mother)
Normal respirations for first 2 hours is between ____breaths/min. After first 2 hours, normal respirations drops to _____/min
60-70 / 30-60
Mean blood pressure for newborns is _____ in quiet newborn and can increase in both numbers by _____ if crying
42/60 / 20mm Hg
Newborn blood lab values show a decrease in ____ production, an intitial rise in ______, but then a fall during the first two months of life resulting in something called _____
Erythropoietin / hemoglobin / Physiologic Anemia of the Newborn
The stress of birth stimulate production of ______ during the first days of life resulting in _____
Neutrophils / Leukocytosis
By two weeks of age, neutrophils decrease to ____ % of the total leukocyte count