What Are Various Approaches of Family Therapy and Intervention Flashcards

Marriage and Family Counseling

56 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Systems-oriented clinicians are most interested in
The process of what they are observing in the couple's interaction than in the content of the interaction, the what, how, and when things are occurring, not the why things are occurring
Dyads and triads refer to
Relationship that becomes the center of therapeutic attention and the target of intervention strategies
From a family systems perspective, the appearance of symptoms in a family member represents the manifestation of
An identified patient, scapegoating
The "identified patient" is the person in the family who
Has the presenting symptom, the person who seeks treatment or for whom treatment is sought
Metarules are
A family's unstated rules regarding how to interpret or, if necessary, to change its rules
Most family rules are
Unspoken, covert
A family's metarules refer to
The boundaries?
Homeostasis refers to
A dynamic state of balance or equilibrium in a system, or a tendency in a system toward achieving and maintaining such a state in an effort to ensure a stable environment, maintain balance and resist change
The elements of a system are delineated by its
Boundaries and whether or not they are permeable
A schizoohrenogenic mother is one who
Is cold, domineering, tends to produce or develop a son with schizophrenia
The double-bind concept was first introduced to account for the development of
A double-bind situation calls for
A superior and inferior person, three injunctions 1. don't do that or you will be punished (concrete)2. a gesture, frown, pull away stiffening3. parent demands a response but forbids the child to comment on the contradiction (escape is forbidden)
Which of the following models of family interaction is based largely on the psychoanalytic model
Object relations theory
Object relations theory is a
Subject/subject dyad?
Object relations evolved from the study of
Marital conflicts with Framo and splitting with Fairbairn, relationship between mother and child