Marriage and Family: Exam 2

51 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Concerning or intending to arouse sexual desire.
Romantic Love
A deeply tender or highly intense set of feelings, emotions, and thoughts coupled with sexual passion and erotic expression directed by one person towards another.
Wheel Theory of Love
A perspective of love developed by social scientist Ira Reisis in which love is viewed in terms of a four stage, circular progression from rapport through self-revelation, mutual dependence, and personality need-fulfillment as a couple interacts over time.
Feelings of confidence and belief in another person; reliance upon another person to provide for or meet one's needs.
Thoughts and feelings of envy, resentment, and insecurity directed toward someone a person is fearful of losing.
Laws that enforced racial segregation at the level of marriage and intimate relationships by criminalizing interracial marriage and sometimes also sex between members of different races.
A process of pairing off that involves the open choice of mates and engagement in activities that allow people to get to know one another and progress toward mate selection.
Mate Selection
The wide rang of behaviors and social relationships individuals engage in prior to marriage and that lead to long- or short- term pairing or coupling.
The process of selecting a mate and developing an intimate relationship.
Getting Together
A pattern of dating that involves women and men meeting in groups, playing similar roles in initiating dates, and sharing equally in the cost of activities.
Going Steady
An excuisve dating relationship with one partner.
Hooking Up
A casual sexual encounter that can range from meeting with a friend, kissing, making out, touching, and oral stimulation to sexual intercourse, with no expectation of future emotional commitment.
Sex Ratio
The number of men to every 100 women in society or group.
Marriage Market
Analogy of the commercial marketplace to explain how individuals choose the people they date, mate, live with, and marry by "comparison shopping" and "bargaining for" the mate with the most desirable charactersitics.
Pool of Eligibles
People who are potential mates by virtue of birth and societal definiton as appropriate or acceptable partners.