Marriage and Family Exam 2

Cards for my Exam 2 i

56 cards   |   Total Attempts: 190

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Communication is
the way humans create and share meaning, both verbally and nonverbally
The ability and willingness to communicate is
The most important factors in maintaining a satisfying relationship
The core of the success or failure of a relationship is
Basic communication Principles
O You cannot not communicate o Message sent is often not the message received o Communication failures rest with both people o Each message coveys content and relationship information o Incongruence between verbal and nonverbal communication is problematic o Metacommunication (communication about communication) unbinds the double bind
Two most significant sources of communication-style differences
Gender & Culture
Men tend to use conversation
In a competitive way to establish dominance
Women tend to use conversation
With hopes of establishing a friendship
In conversation Men:
§ Less focused on listening and responding § Talk more/disclose less § Compete § Independence § Evaluate self as one up one down
In conversation women:
§ Use good listening skills § Talk to connect § Network § Dependence § Intimately connected
When using communication to develop intimacy
it is important to work at establishing good, positive communication
Good, positive communication is
Key to healthy, successful relationships
Poor communication BEFORE marriage is
Probably going to continue after marriage
It Is essential that you develop communication skills NOW
- even if you are not in a relationship
Open communication
The ability to share feelings and ideas with each other
Positive communication
The extent to which communication lacks conflict and difficulties