Marriage and Family: Exam 1

Marriage and Family Key Terms Chapters 1-3

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Patterns of ideas, beliefs, values, and behavior that are built around the basic needs of individuals and society and that persist over time.
The practice of requiring people to marry outside particular groups.
The practice of requring people to marry within a particular social group.
A union between people that unites them sexually, socially, and economically, that is relatively consistent over time, and that accords each person certain agreed-upon rights.
Exculsively in an intimate relationship. In marriage, it means marriage to only one person at a time.
Serial Monogamy
A system in which an individual marries several times but only after each prior marriage is ended by death or divorce.
A broad category applied to forms of marriage that involve multiple parteners.
Cenogamy (group marriage)
A situation in which the women and men in a group are simultaneously married to one another.
Any relatively stable group of people who are related to one another through blood, marriage, or adoption, or who simply live together, and who provide one another with economic and emotional support.
Family of Orientation
The family into which a person is born and raised.
Family of Procreation
A family that is created when two people marry or enter into an intimate relationship and have or adopt children of their own.
Nuclear Family
A family consisting of a mother and father and their natural or adopted offspring.
(Modified) Extended Family
Family in which a variety of relatives live, not necessarily in the same household, but in very close proximity to one another, interact on a frequent basis, and provide emotional and economic support to each other.
Patriarchal Family
A family organized around the principle of male dominance, wherein the male (husband/father) is head of the family and exercises authority and decisionmaking power over other family members, especially his wife and children.
Cultural guidelines or rules of conduct that direct people to behave in particular ways