Answer the Following Questions, Terms for Family Therapy Flashcards

Exam 1  

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1. Systems oriented clinicians are most interested in:
More interested in the process. WHAT is occurring, HOW it occurs, and WHEN it occurs, RATHER THAN SEARCHING FOR WHY IT IS OCCURRING.
2. Dyads and triads refer to:
The relationship that is the problem, not the individual itself.
3. From a family systems perspective, the appearance of symptoms in a family member represents the manifestation of:
?? Monad ?? Identified patient ??
4. The "identified patient" is the person in the family who:
Has the problem. Who initially seeks treatment or for whom treatment is sought.
5. Metarules are:
The rules about the rules. Unstated family directives which interpret, enforce, and change rules.
6. Most family rules are:
Covert and unstated (unspoken rules).
7. A family's metarules refers to:
Unwritten rules.
8. Homeostatis refers to:
Rules that maintain stability and revise change.
9. The elements of a system are delineated by its
Boundaries and whether or not they are permeable.
10. A schizophrenogeic mother is one who:
Is domineering, cold, rejecting, possessive, guilt-producing in combination with a passive, detached, and ineffectual father, causes her male offspring to feel confused and inadequate and ultimately to become schizophrenic.
11. The double-bind concept was first introduced to account for the development of:
A series of contradictory messages of what is communicated and how it is qualified by messages from that same person.
12. A double-bind situation calls for:
3 injunctions: 1. Concrete= primarily negative (don't, you'll be punished). 2. Gesture= frown, pulling away. Abstract threat. Contradicts the 1st one. 3. Demand= parent demands a response but forbids the child to comment on the contradiction/ambiguity. ** Escape is forbidden/impossible **
13. Which of the following models of family interaction is based largely on the psychoanalytic model?
Psychodynamic Theory
14. Object relations therapy is a:
More relationship focused. The patients project their fantasies. Participate in a "holding environment" in which the patient is being aware of not hurting their other family members.
15. Object relations theory evolved from the study of:
?? Classical psychoanalysis. Id, ego, and superego. ??