Answer the Following Marriage and the Family Flashcards

37 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Concerning negative emotions such as anger, bitterness, and resentment, most couples
Fear them and hope they will disappear.
Which of the following includes the tendency to minimize issues?
Family of Origin refers to
The family in which the individual grew up
Qualities that are consistently identified as characteristics of families cluster into three categories:
Cohesion, flexibility, and communication
Which of the following is an example of spiritual well-being from the family strengths framework?
All of the choices are correct
A chaotic family would most likely live by which axiom?
The only thing you can count on is that you can't count on anything
Which of the following is an example of the ability to manage stress from the family strengths model?
Seeking help if they cannot solve the problem themselves.
Which of these is one of the hallmarks for the success or failure of a relationship?
Positive communication
Humor can have negative effects when it
Both is used to place the person using it in a superior position and it is used sarcastically
In intimate human relationships, conflict is
Mixed messages are
Messages in which there is a discrepancy between the verbal and nonverbal components of the message
Families need to balance the cohesive dimensions of their relationships between the extremes
Disengagement and enmeshment
People in conflict must consider
All of the choices are correct
Families need to balance the flexibility dimensions of their relationships between the extremes of
Chaos and rigidity
An example of appreciation and affection is
A pat on the back