Management Quiz 1 Revision

These flashcards revise the history of management, the four functions of management, management hierarchies, as well as management roles, skills, words methods and performance.

15 cards   |   Total Attempts: 193

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What is the four functions of management?
Planning - goal setting
Organising - allocating resources
Leading - influencing
Controlling - regulates activity
What are the 10 management roles and there 3 subcategories?
Interpersonal - Figurehead (duties legal/social), leader (motivates), liason (networks)

Informational - Monitor (seeks internal/external information), Disseminator (transmits information), Spokesperson (transmits information to outsiders)

Decisionsal - Entrepreneur (innovator), Disturbance handler (corrective action), Resource allocator (distributes resources), Negotiator (represents in negotiations)
What are the 3 essential skills of management?
Human - working well with others
Technical - understanding/proficiency in specialised field
Conceptual - visualising whole organisation
What do the 3 management work methods involve?
- Unrelenting pace
- Brevity, variety and fragmentation
- Verbal contacts and networks
What are the two major managerial hierarchies?
- Top: Function - Organising, Planning, Skills - Human, Conceptual
- Middle: Organising, Controlling, Skills - Human, Technical
- Bottom: Leading, Controlling, Skills - Technical, Human

- Functional - specific area
- General - whole organisation/substantial
- Project - co-ordinate people on particular project
Who were the 3 main contributors to pre-classical management theory and what were their contributions?
Robert Owen - work and living conditions

Charles Baggage - modern computers, specialisation mental work, profit sharing

Henry Towne - management as a science
What are the 3 classical management theories?
Who were the 3 main contributors to scientific management and what were their contributions?
Fredrick Taylor - increase efficiency by scientific study, addressed problem of soldiering

Frank and Lillian Gilbreth - Motion Study - Ergonomics
Who was the main contributor to Bureaucratic Management and what were the 5 features of a Bureaucratic Organisation?
Max Webber
Organisaitons need to operate rationally
1. Specialisaiton of labour
2. Formal rules and procedures
3. Impersonality
4. Well defined hierarchy
5. Career advancement based on merit
Who were the 2 main contributors to Administrative Management and who were their theories?
Henry Fayol
Co-coordinating organisations internal activities
5 functions of management - commanding and coo-rdinating (instead of "leading")
14 principles of management

Chester Barnard
Acceptance theory of authority
Who were the 2 main contributors to behavioural management and what were they most famous for?
Mary Parker-Follet - link between science management and the social person, conflict management

Elton Mayo - organisations as social systems, "Hawthorne Studies" (production due to increase attention, lead to HR Movement)
Who were the 2 main contributors to Human Resource Management and what were they most famous for?
Douglas McGregor - motivations, Theory X and Theory Y
Theory X - workers dislike work, must be controlled, avoid responsiblity, seek security
Theory Y - work natural, self-direction, seek responsiblity, can make good decions

Abraham Maslow - Maslow's Hierachy of Needs:
- Self actualisation
- Esteem
- Social
- Safety
- Psychological
What are the 3 Quantitative Management theories?
Management Science - mathematical/statistical models

Operations Management - managing production and delivery of products and services

Management information systems - computer based management systems
What are the 4 Contemporary Management theories?
Systems Theory - view organisations as systems

Contingency Theory - situational parameters

TQM - continuous improvement in all processes

Learning Organisaiton - knowledge resources
What are the 4 principles of scientific management?
1. Study the one best way of each part of a job
2. Select, train workers
3. Co-operate ensure proper method
4. Divide work responsibly between workers and managers