MA Permit Test

Flashcards fo r learni

9 cards   |   Total Attempts: 195

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What license class is for a typical passenger vehicle (car, truck, SUV etc.)
True or False? A junior operator can take the road test as soon as he or she gets a learner's permit?
False: a junior operator must have a permit for at least 6 consecutive months.
True or False? A junior operator may NOT drive alone between the hours of 12:30 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. with a valid license.
True: a junior operator may only drive during these hours if accompanied by a licensed parent or guardian who has 1 year of driving experience.
The RMV requires drivers under what age to take professional driving lessons at a local high school or driving school?
What will happen if you do not pay the fine on a parking violation?
You will not be able to renew your license or vehicle registration.
List some examples of CRIMINAL motor vehicle violations:
Driving with a suspended license, operating under the influence, leaving the scene of a serious accident
If you are found guilty for 3 speeding violations in a 12 month span, what will happen?
Your license will be suspended automatically for 30 days.
If you have 3 surchargeable (motor vehicle violations and at-fault accidents) in a 2 year period, what will happen?
Your license may be suspended and you will receive a letter from the RMV for a Driver Retraining Course to be completed in 90 or your license WILL be suspended.
Does a Driver Retraining Course teach driving skills?
No, it helps to change your problematic driving behavior.