Loss,Grief,Death, and Dying

Loss,Grief,Death, and Dying

28 cards   |   Total Attempts: 190

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An aspect of self no longer available to a person
Loss,Grief,Death, and DyingLoss
Cessation of life
Pattern of physical and emotional responses to bereavement
Adaption process of murning a loss
Grief work
The condition of being subject to death
Before the 1950's it was common for patients to die at home in their own beds with assistance from familyby the early 1980's when diagnosis related groups came into play
Changes in Health Care related to Dying and Death
1960's Pioneers in death and dying theory, such as Kubler Ross
Historical Overview
Not all losses are obvious or immediateObvious LossesDeath of a loved one DivorceBreakup of a relationshipLoss of a jobNOT SO ObviousillnessagingChanging schools, jobs, or neighborhood
Losses may be actual or preceivedA woman who has a mastectomy
Actual Loss
Loss is less obviousLoss of confidenceA woman who hopes to give birth to a female child delivers a male child insteadPreceived losses are easily overlooked or misunderstood, yet the process of grief involved is the same as am actual loss.
Perceived loss is less obvious
Loss resulting fro normal life transitionsLoss of childhood dreams, the loss felt in adolescents when a romance fails, loss felt when leaving a family or home.
Maturational Loss
A loss occcuring suddenly in response to a specific external event.Sudden death of a loved one, or the unemployed person who suffers low self esteem
Situational Loss
Any loss occuring when something or someone can no longer be seen felt, heard, known, or experiencedIndividuals respond to loss differently
Personal Loss
The subjective response of emotional pain to actual or anticipated lossThe total process of reacting and responding to the losses in ones life.
A common depressed reaction to the death of a loved one