Linguistics Exam

Ling exam 1

10 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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Mental Grammar
unconscious rules. the system of rules stored in the mind of a speaker that generates the words and sentences of that speaker’s language. the unconscious knowledge that a speaker has about their language that allows her to produce and understand words and sentences in that language.
Argument for mental grammar-
the creativity or expressed variety of languge use ex lies, sarcasm,
descriptive grammar
describes patterns that exist in data, design rules to encode those patterns. model/description of unconscious rules grammar/rules
the study of the minimal units of language. The sound of spoken language
the stududy of sound system of a language; how the particular sounds contrast in each language to form an integrated system for encoding information and how such systems differ from one language to another

genetically determined specialization for language.
Universal grammar
property believe to be held by all natural languages
what we know when we know a language. The unconscious knowledge that a seaker of a language has about their native language
the observable use of language.
a term used to describe two sounds that can be used to differentiate words in a language.