LING 109- Macquarie University

Flashcards are used to study. This specific set will be used in accordance with LING 109 at Macquarie Uni. This university is located in Sydney, Australia. 

13 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

Cards In This Set

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Linguistic Unit
Building blocks, the smallest unit of language and sound that build up into parts of words, and then parts of works form larger meaning through sentences
**Ferdinand de Saussure
Not only physical, social abstract and imaginary world, but that language orders our experiences
Signifier- the expression part
Signified- concept of meaning
Iconic, Indexical, Arbitrary and Conventional signs
-signs that look like their meaning
-signs with relation to the environment
-signs where the expression of the concept show no relation to the meaning
-have to be part of a certain community to understand
Social Networks
*Coats and Milroy are important. It is the communication between people and how it effects your language
ex) people with lower socioeconomic statuses speak differently than those high class people
Open/closed networks
In a closed network, everyone knows everyone. Typical in smaller communities. It an open network, you are the main connection between people, they do not know each other on their own. This is typical in large, urban communities.
Multiplex and Uniplex Networks
Closed networks tend to me multiplex, connections with a person is multifaceted. Uniplex networks happen when the connection you have with someone is on a single basis
- the number of connections in a social network
A simple semiotic system with only two parts, meaning and expression. This is during infancy
Meaning potential
Learning that language is not about rules, it is learning how to mean. A child must learn to take on the grammatical systems of language around him
Meta = adult language. These are language for constuing experience, language for enaction social relations and language for managing the flow of discourse
Register and Dialect
Register is a variation according to use
Dialect is variation according to user, regional or class difference within one particular language
Field, Tenor, Mode
Topic (interview compared to speaking with your family
Relationship which influences what you're going to say
Grammatical voice
Middle, active and passive
Middle doesn't always ask the question about who did it, the event just sort of happened
Active places the agent first, coalition forces bombed..
Passive is the goal, baghdad was bombed
Agent, process and goal
External forces causing the process to happen
The verb, what is going on
the outcome which was acted upon