Lilly: Ch. 25 \"Antidysrhythmic Drugs\"

37 cards   |   Total Attempts: 190

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Any deviation from normal rhythm of the heart is called ___
No rhythm of the heart is called ______ ,when there is asystole (no beating)
The voltage that exists when the cell membranes of heart muscle are at rest.... what phase number is this?
Resting Membrane Potential (RMP) / Phase 4
At RMP, potassium is intracellular or extracellular? Calcium & Sodium...intracellular or extracelluar?
Potassium is intracellular (the intracellular ion) / Calcium & Sodium are extracellular (extracellular ions)
The maintanance of the 'polarized state' of ions in the heart muscle cell is done by what pump?
Sodium-Potassium Adenosine Triphosphatase Pump (ATPase Pump)
A change in the baseline distribution of ions across the membrane creating an electrical impulse is known as an _______
Action Potential
The disruption of the earlier polarized state of the membrane of a heart cell is called _____. Due to what ion? What phase number is this?
Depolarization / Sodium rushing through Sodium Channels (fast channels) / Phase 0
A rapid process of repolarization happens during which phases?
Phases 1,2, and 3
The interval between phase 0 and phase 4 is called the ______
Action Potential Duration
The period between phase 0 and midway through phase 3 is called the absolute or _____. What cannot happen during this period?
Effective Refractory Period / The cardiac cell cannot be depolarized and generate another action potential
The period between phase 3 and phase 4 is called the ______. Can another action potential be generated during this period? If so, how?
Relative Refractory Period / Yes, it must be powerful enough though
Depolarization occurs when a certain critical voltage is reached called the _______
Threshhold Potential
Spontaneous depolarization is also referred to as ____. what happens when this occurs in a place other than the SA node, AV node, or His-Purkinje cells?
Automaticity / Dysrhythmia occurs
Which node, SA or AV, is the 'pacemaker' node of the heart?
Which node slows the fast moving action potential long enough for the ventricles to fill with blood
AV node