Light Long Answer

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What is meant by luminous object?name two luminous objec
The source which emit their own light are called luminous objects.ithey produce their own light and emit this light.luminous object can be seen because the light given by it enters our eyes and thus it makes the things visible for sun,torch

What is meant by non luminous two non luminous objects
The object which donot emit light are called non luminous object.they cannot make their own light.since they cannot produce their own light they cannot emit the light.thus the light is not reflected into our eyes thus we cannot see the object eg table
What is the difference between regular reflection and diffuse reflection of light? Name one object
Regular reflection Diffuse reflection In it a parallel beam of light is reflected as a parallel beam in one direction In this a parallel beam of light is reflected in all directions It occurs from smooth surfaces like that of a plane mirror It occurs from the rough surfaces like that of paper Images are formed by regular reflection Images are not formed by diffuse reflection In this angle of incidence is equal to angle of reflection In this angle of incidence is not equal to angle of reflection Eg mirror , polished wooden surface Eg paper , cardboard
Draw diagram to show regular reflection of light and diffuse reflection of light
Draw it
Which of the following will cause regular reflection of light and which diffuse reflection of light

a. Polished wooden table
b.chalk powder
c. Cardboard
f.marble floor with water spread over it
Regular reflection Diffuse reflection Polished wooden table Chalk powder Mirror Cardboard Marble floor with water spread over it paper
Draw a diagram to show the reflection of light from a plane mirror.label the following on the diagram

a. Plane mirror
b.incident ray
c.reflected ray
d.point of incidence
f. Angle of incidence
g.angle of reflection
Draw and label it
State the laws of reflection
The incident ray , the normal and the reflected ray lie at the same plane at the point of incidence

the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection
Draw a labelled diagram showing how a plane mirror forms an image of a point object placed in front of it
Draw it
State the characteristics of the image formed in a plane mirror

A plane mirror forms a virtual image of an object

the size of image is the same as the size of the object

image is always upright as that of the object

image is always as far inside the mirror as the object is in front it.
Draw a labelled diagram of the human eye .label the following parts of this diagram

ciliary muscles
optic nerve
blind spot
Draw it
What are the functions of the following parts of the eye

eye lens
ciliary muscles
optic nerve
Iris it controls the amount of light entering the eye by adjusting the pupil

eye lens it focusses the image of an object on the retina

Capillary muscle:the eye lens is a flexible convex lens whose thickness and focal length can be changed by the action of ciliary muscles

retina it is behind the eye lens and it is here where the image of the object is focussed

optic nerve: it carries the message formed on retina to the brain

What is lateral reflection:
It is the consequence of image formed by the reflection phenomenon
What is dispersion of light ?
The phenomenon of splitting white light into its constituent colours is called dispersion of light
Define persistence of vision
The image of an object seen by our eyes persists on retina for about one sixteenth of a second even after the object has disappeared from our view.the ability of an eye to see the object for a very short duration even after the object has disappeared from view is called persistence of vision
Define far point
The farthest point from the eye at which an object can be seen clearly is known as the far point.the far point of a normal eye is infinity.this means that the far point of a normal human eye is at a very large distance.