Lifetime Fitness

Study Guide for Lifetime Fitness Final

79 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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Constant & deliberate effort to stay healthy & achieve highest well-being
7 Dimensions of Wellness
Physical, Emotional, Social, Occupational, Mental, Environmental, Spiritual
Benefits of a comprehensive wellness program
Increase in job productivity, lowers medical costs, lowers depression
Leading causes of death
Cardiovascular disease (36%), Others (31.4%), Cancer (22.9%), CLRD (5.2%), Accidents (4.5%)
Greatest threats to public health
Tobacco, Poor diet/ inactivity, Alchohol, Microbial Agents
Most accidents stem from...
Most accidents stem from poor judgment and confused mental states, which occur when people are upset, are not paying attention to the task at hand, or are abusing alcohol or other drugs
Health-related fitness components
Fitness programs that are prescribed to improve the individual's overall health
Skill related fitness components
Fitness components important for success in skillful activities and athletic events; encompasses agility, balance, coordination, power, reaction time, and speed
National Health Objectives (2010)
Quality & Quantity of healthy lives/ United States Health Care System (#9)
Toxic health and fitness environment
Most of the behaviors we adopt are a product of our encironment - the forces of social influences we encounter and the thought processes we go through. Includes families, friends, peers, homes, schools, work places, television, radio, and movies, as well as our communities, country, and culture in general.
Internal locus of control
People who believe that they have control over events in their lives
External locus of control
People who believe that what happens to them is a result of chance or the environment and is unrelated to their behavior
The belief in one's own ability to perform a given task
Changing behavior, Modification
The first step is to recognize that you indeed have a problem. The five general categories of behaviors addressed in the proccess of willful change are: (1) stopping a negative behavior, (2) preventing relapse of a negative behavior, (3) developing a positive behavior, (4) strengthening a positive behavior, (5) maintaining a positive behavior
Transtheoretical model
Behavioral modification model proposing that change is accomplished through a series of progressive stages in keeping with a person's readiness to change