Lifesci 3B03 Midterm 1

Exam study cards

26 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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3 Categories of Glasgow Coma Scale. What is the maximum score? What is the threshold for severe injury?
O Eye Opening (degree of stimuli needed to open eye) o Verbal Response (quality of verbal response from patient) o Motor Response (obeying commands & responding to pain) · Maximum Score 15, < 8 = severe injury
Define: Visualanosognosia (and location of brain damage)
Patient is completely blind but acts as if sighted (tries to walk through walls, collides into objects)... Damage in bilateral occiptal lobes.
4 Types of Blindsight
1) Action-Blindsight o Most common o Able to act accuractely upon blind field stimuli (e.g. by pointing, grasping, saccading) 2) Attention-Blindsight o Riddoch Phenomenon à ‘sense’ or ‘feel’ something moving 3) Agnosopsia o Can discriminate form and wavelength above chance level 4) Affective Blindsight o Can ‘sense’ something’s there if there is a face with fearful expression
7 Tests for Blindsight
1) Forced Choice o Patients must make choice of “seeing” or “not seeing” in blind field 2) Saccades & Points @ Target o Able to point at or follow target with eyes 3) Posting & Grasping 4) Form Perception & Picture Completion 5) Semantics & Word-Perception 6) Affective Blindsight & Audio-Visual Binding o Covert recognition of facial expressions (fearful gives best response) applies only to faces, not images of emotional scenes (disasters, tragedies) o AV binding à face recognition works even better when given audio track that is congruent with emotion on face (scary music and scared face) 7) Neuroimaging Evidence o Affective Blindsight à fMRI shows activation of amygdale
Define: Hemineglect (and where is brain damage?)
Deficit in attention to left side of body (all aspects, both visual scene and physical body). Deficit in mental imagery on left side as well (recalling scenes). Damage to Right-Parietal Lobe
What causes Viewer-Centered Neglect?
Hypoperfusion of Right Angular Gyrus & Supramarginal Gyrus
What causes Stimulus-Centered Neglect?
Hypoperfusion of Right Superior Temporal Gyrus
What brain region is used in high level searches?
Superior parietal cortex
Explain 'rivalry' phenomena in Hemineglect
Patient cannot count fingers in left visual field if fingers also in right visual field... can present if one at a time.
What are features of a vegetative state?
Sleep-Wake Cycles, Eyes occasionally open/Wandering, No awareness of self or environment
What is "Locked-in Syndrome"? What happens when they are asked to imagine moving.
Awake/Aware, cannot talk or move... can move eyes. In total locked in syndrome, no eye movement.Shows activation in supplementary motor areas when asked to imagine moving.
Draw out table comparing Coma, Vegetative State, Minimally Conscious State, Locked-in syndrome.
Answer 12
What are the 3 eye reflexes?
1) Pupillary Light Reflex2) Corneal Reflex (blink if touch cornea)3) Oculocephalic Reflex (turn head right, eyes move left)
All absent in coma.
What are 2 breathing patterns associated with brain damage? Identify the brain damage.
1) Cheyne-Stoke's Breathing (cerebral cortex damage)2) Apneustic Breathing (pons lesion)
What are the 2 body postures associated with brain damage? Identify where the damage occured.
1) Decorticate Posture (cortex)- Elbows flexed- Clenched fingers- Legs & Feet extended2) Decerebrate Posture (brain stem)- Elbow extended- Clenched fingers- Legs & feet extended