Legal Remedies Final Exam

Legal Remedies Final Exam

55 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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What are the 5 categories of Remedies?
1. Compensatory 2. Preventative 3. Restitutionary 4. Punitive 5. Ancillary
Define Compensatory Remedies?
1. Designed to Compensate Plaintiff for harm they suffered 2. meant to put the Plaintiff in the same place as if he had not been wronged
Define Preventative Remedies?
Designed to prevent harm before it happens so that the issue of compensation never arises.
Define Resitutionary Remedies?
Designed to restore to Plaintiff all that the Defendant has gained at plaintiffs expense.
Define Punative Remedies?
Designed to punish the wrongdoer
Defined Ancillary Remedies?
Designed to aid other remedies, an example is award of attnys fees
What are the two types of preventative Remedies?
Coercive- Injunction Declaratory- judge just says what rights everyone has but doesnt order defendant to do anything
What are the four substitutioinary Remedies?
1. Compensatory damages 2. Attny's Fee 3. Resitution of the money value of Defendants gain 4. Punitive Damages
What is the goal of substitutionary Remedies?
Plaintiff suffered harm so they should recieve a sum of money to make them right
What is the goal of specific remedies?
Seek to avoid the exchange of money as a remedy
What are four examples of Specific Remedies?
1. Injunctions 2. Specific Preformance of a K 3. Restitution of specific property 4. Resitution of a sprcifc sum of money
What is the difference between legal remedies and equitable remedies?
Legal remedies- damages Equitable remedies- injunction and specific preformance
What is Hatahley's Rule on compensatory damages?
The funamental principle of damages is to restore the injured party as nearly as possible to the position he would have been in but for the wrong.
What are Four methods for determing value for remedies?
1. price quotation in active market. 2. Estimates by Experts 3. Testimoney by injured owner 4. Replacement cost
For remedies in property disputes when is the value measured?
The value is measured at the time of the wrong in property disputes