Lecture 9 BPD AND DBT

Lecture 9 BPD AND DBT

18 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Instability of interpersonal relationships, self img, and effects, marked impulsivity
BPD meets 5/9 of the following
-efforts to avoid abandonment-unstable interpersonal relations-unstable affect-unstable identity-chronic emptiness (2yrs)-impulsive-suicidal/parasuicidal behavior-problems with anger-paranoia/dissociation in response to major stressors
BPD is unstable across..
Emotions, thinking, behavior, relationships
Why is there stigma towards BPD?
-misinformation-media portrayals-causes misunderstood-symptoms frightening, confusing-society values being calm, in control, rational-hard to work with therapeutically
Common myths about BPD
-they're manipulative and attention seeking-they're violent and a high risk for harming others-they're crazy and irrational-its a life sentence-caused by bad parenting (rather just a mismatch)
-its untreatable
Most likely to improve?
-impulsive, risky, self-damaging behaviors-severe paranoid thinking-unstable, stormy relationships
Least likely to improve?
Emotional symptoms, dissociative symptoms and negative beliefs, fears of abandonment
Bad parents?
Transaction between adverse childhood experiences and biologically based temperament features (emotional vulnerability, dysregulation, impulsivity)
Solution to difficulty of therapy?
-integrate CHANGE and ACCEPTANCE-develop HIERARCHY of treatment targets-add mods of therapy to target SKILLS DEFICITS-increase contact with therapist to promote GENERALIZATION of skills/change
Therapy components
-ind therapy-group skills training-telephone consultation-consultation team for therapists-ancillary modes: pharmacotherapy, hospitalization
Biosocial theory
Emotional vulnerability: sensitivity, reactivity, slow return to baseline+invalidating environment: reject communication of emotions and thoughts; oversimplifies the ease of problem solving; intermittently reinforces emotional escalation, abuse
Treatment stages
Pretreatment: commitment-stage 1 - increase behavioral control-stage 2 - increase emotional experiencing-stage 3 - problems in living-stage 4 - freedom and joy
Treatment targets
Decrease life threatening behaviors, therapy interfering behaviors, quality of life interfering behaviors, skills deficits
DBT skills cycle
Mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation, interpersonal effectiveness
Temperatureintense exerciseprogressive muscle relaxation