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To use or manage resources wiselyGreatest good for the greatest number of people
Keeping wilderness areas untouched
Bring back degraded communities, sites, lands to its natural state
Stopping of environmental damage, usually cleans chemical contaminants in polluted areas
Provides a substitute area for a damaged areafor repair, involves wetland ecosystems
Using degraded sites for activities such as open pit mines or construction
Protects everyone fom toxic substances and abandoned sites. Provided money for toxic waste cleanup in deserted areas. taxed petroleum/chemical industries as an incentive for people to use less toxic substances.
Madrid Protocol
A treaty that set aside Earth's only continent w/out native population for scientific investigation and no military activity. was the first arms agreement during the Cold War.
Clean Air Acts 62,65,65,70,77,90
Set standards for air pollutants: PM,SO2,CO2,NOx, O3, PB. Set SO2 limits emitted by coal-fired power plants.
Kyoto Protocol
An amendment of the international treaty of climate change that limits/reduces greenhouse gas emissions to prevent interference with the climate system
Montreal Protocol
An international treaty that stops the production of substances responsible for ozone depletion. It's to protect the ozone layer.
An international agreement that makes sure international trade of wild plants and animals doesn't harm their existence/survival.
An international agreement that sets rules for the use of the world's oceans
Stockholm Declaration
A declaration of the United Nations Conference to guide people to preservation and to enhance their own environment
Encourages emergency planning and provides info to public and governments about potential chemical hazards in their communities