Latin for the New Millennium: Vocabulary Chapter 14

Study Latin for the New Millennium, Level 1 vocabulary chapter 14.

20 cards   |   Total Attempts: 192

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Arbor, arboris
F., tree (deriv.: arboreal)
Gladius, gladii
M., sword (deriv.: gladiator)
Odium, odii
N., hatred (deriv.: odious)
Os, oris
N., mouth (deriv.: oral)
Parens, parentis
M./f., parent
Pectus, pectoris
N., chest (deriv.: expectorant)
Sanguis, sanguinis
M., blood (deriv.: sanguine)
Qui, quae, quod
M., f., n. which, who, that
Albus, alba, album
Primus, prima, primum
Ruber, rubra, rubrum
Cado, cadere
Cecidi, casum to fall (deriv.: cadence)
Comedo, comedere
Comedi, comesum to eat
Convenio, convenire
Conveni, conventum to meet (deriv.: convention)
Fluo, fluere
Fluxi, fluxum to flow (deriv.: fluent)