Latin for the New Millennium, Chapter 16 Vocabulary

Flashcards for Chapter 16 of Latin for the New Millennium, Part 1.

21 cards   |   Total Attempts: 190

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Avunculus, -i
M., uncle
Caelum, caeli
N., sky, heaven, weather
Causa, causa
F., cause, reason
Cinis, cineris
M., ash
Clades, cladis
F., disaster
Classis, classis
F., fleet, class of people (i-stem)
Femina, feminae
F., woman
Fumus, fumi
M., smoke
Incendium, incendii
N., conflagration, eruption
Litus, litoris
N., shore
Mater, matris
F., mother
Mons, montis
M., mountain
Navis, navis
F., ship
Nubes, nubis
F., cloud (i-stem)
Pars, partis
F., part (i-stem)