Land I Love Ch.1-13 Test

Flash cards on ch 1- 13

35 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

Cards In This Set

Front Back
William becknell
Father of santa fe trail
Lot carey
Founded african missionary society
Zachary taylor
Old rough and ready
James cook
Discovered hawaii
Townshend harris
First embasador of japan
Townshend treaty
Opened japan to christian missionaries
Jonathen goble
First baptist missionary to japan
Daniel boone
Explored kentuky
William bradford
Gov for 30 years
Ralph waldo emerson
Made transendentalism
Patrick henry
Give me liberty or give me death
Herman melville
Wrote moby dick
Santa ana
President of mexico
Stephen austin
Father of texas
Samuel clemons
Wrote books like hukalberry fin and went by the name of mark twain