Lab Week 8

Week 8 of lab covers the lymphatic and respiratory system

34 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

Cards In This Set

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In what three areas of the body are lymph nodes densely clustered?
Axillary region, inguinal region, cervical region
What is the function of lymphatic vessels?
To pick up and return excess tissue fluid (and leaked proteins) to the cardiovascular system
How do lymphatic vessels resemble veins?
They are thin walled structures like veins and have valves as well.
What are the two major functions of lymph nodes?
Filter the lymph (remove debris) and generate lymphocytes
What type of lymphocyte is concentrated in the germinal centers?
B lymphocyte
Lymph enters lymph nodes via the _____ vessels, and leaves the nodes via _______ vessels.
Afferent, efferent
Pleural layer covering the surface of the lung
Visceral pleura
Separates the oral cavity from the nasal cavity
Responsible for the production of sound
Extends from the palate to the epiglottis, common tube for both air and food, Is the site of lingual and palatine tonsils
The opening between the vocal folds
The structure that ends by dividing into the two main bronchi
Increases air turbulence in the nasal cavity
The site of gas exchange between the lungs and pulmonary blood
Covers the inlet to the larynx during swallowing