Theatre Test 1

Theatre Test 1

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CHAPTER 1Theatre as entertainment and artWhat are the requirements for theatre?
One performer, an audience, a common place, and something to be performed for the audience
Theatre as entertainment and art______ are popular during time of stess, downturns, etc
Give 3 examples of plays that function as popular ent + author
Escapist plays
The Odd Couple - Neil Simmon - quirky incompatible characters who are always in constant conflict
Harvey - Mary Chase - Elwood Dowd sees man sized rabbit no one else sees
Mama Mia! Benny underson
Theatre as entertainment and artIn ref to life, what does theatre dO?
Allows audience to reflect on life. It is an art form
Theatre as entertainment and artOedipus the King produced by _____ is inspired by ______
Oedipus the King produced by Shakepeare theatre is inspired by African culture and art
The Social Functions on TheatreWhat mask is emblematic of moon, 19th centuray, and a powerful adornment of Shaman.
He becomes one with the mask.
What does the Shaman do? ____ was part of the religious exp
TLINGIT SHAMAM WOODEN MASK. 19th centuray, and a powerful adornment of ______.
What is _____ significant reference to the mask?
celebrated past, invoked deities by collaborating w/audience of believers. TRANSFORMATION
The Social Functions on TheatreHow did theatre make its way into the church?
Kathali Dance Drama__
Who uses tradtional Yoruba rituals to structure plays like: death of a King's Horseman?
Activity in service and familiarizes illiterate public
enacts episodes from the Hindu Epics Ramaya ans Mahabharata
Wole Soyinka...What play?
The Social Functions on TheatreWhat did the Roman poet Horace define function of theatre as?
Hanna More
The London Merchant
The Lion King
Avenue Q
To teach and please
Wrote home performed plays to teach feminine values
sad story, apprentice, does bad things suffered dire consequences
Demonstrates circle of life as being sacred. Disrupting it ruins everything
this play tolerates different races, religion, sexual preferences and ways of life. One must accept oneself
The Social Functions on TheatreHow has theatre been used in the government?
The King, The Greatest Alcade
Theatre used for propaganda:
What plays supported WWI
What showed bad images of enemies?
Reinforce status Quo and build support for gov
These two plays praise the king and have him solve problems
advocates a particular point of view
Doing our Bit and Mother's Liberty bond...what did they do?
War Brides - Women to birth to populate german army
The Social Functions on TheatreAfrican Americans used theatre to _____Sincee 1950's
Feminist Groups used theatre to _____
Sexuality in theatre
Boesman and Lena; by, what is abt, produced by, in yr, in city
The Free Southern Theatre. What play by whom abt what?
Break stereotypes
explore womens position in society and work for change
Used to challenge gay sterotypes
2 characters struggling for existance in S.African. Pillsbury House, yr 2002, Minneapolis Minnesota
created in 1963 to support civil rights movement. El Teatro Campesino by Luis Valdez abt rights of common ppl and migrant workers esp hispanics
The Social Functions on TheatreWhat did gov do to try to win hearts of ppl? eg of gov
Coopt theatre. E.g Nazi govn and communist chinese govn
The Social Functions on TheatreWhat is the purpose of art therarpy? What association??
Focuses on changes to indv development instead of audience communication. NADT (drama therapy)
The Social Functions on TheatreFrench guy _____ wrote Tartuffe in 1669
Main character _____ is duped by religous hypocrite______ who want to steal ____ money and seduce his wife. Elements of the ____ century _____ culture still hold: ______,______ and _____
What inevitably happens if produced present day. What ethical questions are raised?
Non-traditional casting
Main character Orgon is duped by religious hypocrite Tartuffe who want to steal Orgons money and seduce his wife. Elements of the 17th century french culture still hold: wealthy Parisian Society, social duplicity, man over family
Present day influences. Can you produce a play that is currently controversial?
Casting ppl of different race "colorblind casting"
Social Control of TheatreThe philosopher _____ found theatre disturbing and potentially dangerous. Why?
Women were played by men in____ can cause the spread of subversive ideas. it is not truthful
Ancient Greece, Elizabethian, and traditional Asian
Social Control of TheatreWhat NY group reviewed plays after 1922?What play did they aquitt? Who was is by? What happened after aquitiion?
Social Control of TheatreCitizen Play Juries
Desire under the Elm, Eugene O Neil, Court overturned and abolished plays
Social Control of TheatreWhy did puritans want to supress theatre
After 1660, what crown tightly regulated theatre in England?
Lying nature
Charles II