Krall Anesthesia Final Exam Review

ATE 2611 Final exam (cumulative) review

140 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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Which puppy will ingest more antibodies?
Stronger nursing puppies may ingest more antibodies
After how many hours if a puppy has not nursed will the benefit of the immunity be lost?
After 12 hours
How do the caloric needs for the mother change during nursing?
Increases for 200-400%
Where are the antibody protiens absorbed for nursing puppies, and how long are they absorbed for?
The intestines; for 36 hrs
What hormone can inhibit the whelping process?
Epinephrine (stress)
What are signs of impending whelping?
1. the temperature drops to 99 an many cases 12-24 hours before whelping 2. appetite is often suppressed the day of whelping 3. vulvar discharges
Seeing frank blood during whelping can indicate what?
Uterine trauma
What should the enviornmental temp be for whelping?
90 degrees
What part of the body should be clipped on the mother and how far from birth?
Mammary and perineal area; 1 week prior
What is a laparotomy?
A surgical incision made in the abdomen
What are the main concerns when checking an incision from a laparotomy?
Check for swelling, drainage, excessive inflammation, dehiscence, the incision edges no adhereing due to self trauma
What is most important that you monitor the incision site for after a spay?
Monitor for hemorrhage
How long should pain management last for declaws?
4-5 days
When should declaw bandages be removed?
Within 24 hours
What kind of litter should be used after a declaw and for how long?
Shredded or pelleted litter for 10 days