Kinesiology Test #2 Flascards

Test # two woooooo

10 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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What 5 factors determine the ratio of CHO to FAT use during excercise?
Intensity, duration, gender, environmental conditions, diet/supplements
What is the most important factor that determines the ration of CHO to FAT use during excercise?
Intensity of excercise
What happens to CHO use and fat use as exercise intensity goes up?
The % energy from oxidation of CHO gets up sharply while the % energy from fat goes down.
What happens to CHO use and fat use as exercise duration goes up?
The % of energy coming from fat goes up while the % of energy from CHO goes down.
What is the effect of the change in the contribution from fat on the ability to maintain the desired exercise intensity?
There's a trade of between exercise intesity and duration.
Why does the contribution from fat change as exercise progresses?
Glycogen lessens and the use of fat goes up.
How does Gender affect CHO and Fat use?
Women tend to use more fat and less CHO than equally trained men.
What factor is most critical in causing the difference between men and women?
Estrogen alone shifts fuel toward more fat and less CHO
How does lower- CHO diet affect carbohydrates use during excercise?
Shifts fuel use to more fat & less CHO-- after 60% of maximal capacity in exercise the dietary effects go away.
How does caffeine use affect carbohydrate use during exercise?
Increases the breakdown of triglycerides to free fatty acids. --> better on those who don't use caffeine.