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1. What are the components of a closed-loop system?
Executive: decisions being made
Effector- Carry out commands
feedback- able to make corrections
2. What are the components of an open-loop system?
Executive, effector
About 30 ms, 1 synaptic reflex
50-80 ms
Triggered reaction
80 ms
120-80- make a decision
3. What are the different types of feedback loops?
M1, M2, triggered reaction, M3
What is a motor program?
A set of pre-structured set of commands that define and shape the movement. Determines which muscles contract, as well as the order of muscle contractions and the timing.
4. What evidence do we have for the existence of motor programs?
Deafferentation studies (Bizzie & Polit 1979).
-Monkeys were still able to move without sensory information.
-EMG patterns under normal and blocked conditions
-Increase in reaction time. Complex movement equals reaction time increases.
9. What does Adams' theorgy predict for practice and learning?
Avoid error, use constant practice
11. What is a generalized motor program? (GMP)
A motor program for a particular class of actions is stored in memory. In order for the program to be executed, certain parameters must be supplied to the program to define how it is to be executed on that particular trial.
12. What are the invariant feautres of GMP?
1. Order of events
2. Relative timing
3. Relative forces
Order of events
Order of letters in signature; backswing, forward swing. Follow through
Relative timing
Proportion of time needed for armstroke, leg kick, swim, stance phase
Relative forces
Proportion of force for each component.