Keyboard Shortcuts

Microsoft Word and PowerPoint keyboard shortcuts Internet Explorer keyboard shortcuts

24 cards   |   Total Attempts: 190

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Word-CTRL + A
Select all
Word-CTRL + B
Makes selected text BOLD
Word-CTRL + C
COPIES selected text
Word-CTRL + I
Makes selected text ITALIC
Word-CTRL + N
Starts NEW document
Word-CRL + O
OPENS saved document
Word-CTRL + P
PRINTS document
Word-CTRL + S
SAVES document
Word-CTRL + U
UNDERLINES selected text
Word-CTRL + V
PASTES text or image that have been cut or copied
Word-CTRL + X
CUTS selected text or image
Word-CTRL + Z
UNDOES last action (zaps an error)
Word-CTRL + F2
Changes case-keep doing to toggle (move) through all choices
Word-CTRL + 2
Double-spaces selected text