Kate's EPPP Review

Material from AR practive tests

141 cards   |   Total Attempts: 191

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An advantage of using a MANOVA over multiple one-way ANOVAs is that ...
The use of a MANOVA reduces the experiment-wise error rate.
Compared to decentralized networks, centralized networks ...
Are more effective when the task is easy. (because less communication is needed through the central figure)
Higher levels of global job satisfaction are found in (older or younger workers)
Herbert Simon's decision-making model suggests that decision makers ...
Consider alternatives only until they find one that seems acceptable. (the bounded rationality (administrative) model of decision making)
Which of the following structures develops last? (cerebellum ,frontal lobe,occipital lobe,temporal lobe)
Wernicke’s, Broca’s and conduction aphasia share which of the following difficulties? (repeating what is said,word prosody,reception, expression)
Repeating what is said
What effect do neurotransmitters have on postsynaptic cells?
Either an excitatory or inhibitory effect
What are some characteristics that are important for leaders?
Visionary, creative, flexible, inspiring, courageous, and independent
A primary tenet of rational emotive therapy is ________ determines behavior.
A belief
Which class of drug are more effective at eliminating the vegetative symptoms of depression?
Tricyclics (TCA)
What kind of parents will likley raise a very aggressive child?
Parents who use frequent and intermittent violence and have a laissez-faire attitude toward their children's behavior
What is confimatory bias?
The tendency to seek, interpret, and create information that verifies our existing beliefs
What is self-serving bias?
The tendency to attribute one's successes to internal factors and one's failures to external factors
Explain the fundamental atrribution bias
Refers to the tendency to overestimate dispositional (personality) factors and underestimate situational factors in explaining a person's behavior
Self verification theory...
Proposes that people seek confirmation of their self-concept