Judaism Test Review

Studying for Survey o

40 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Front Back
–Lore –Some in Talmud, most in Midrash
–those Jews who come from Europe, especially eastern Europe
•Bar/Bat Mitzvah:
–“Son/Daughter of the commandment” –Rite of passage, in which one reads from the Torah –Boys age 13, girls age 12 (no bat mitzvah in orthodox groups)
Conservative Jews:
–Halfway between orthodox and assimilated
–Part of the Talmud – Commentary by later rabbis on issues raised in the Mishnah –Palestinian and Babylonian.
–Law –Part of oral torah
–the festival of lights which celebrates the Jewish victory over the Hellenization program of Antiochus IV
– Group of Ultra-Orthodox Jews –Mystical Rabbis –Long forelocks
–Small head covering worn by men. –yarmulka
– “fit” –food which Jews are permitted to eat –No pork, no mixing milk and meat, etc.
–The anticipated savior of the Jews. Means “anointed one.” –Earthly
–“doorpost” –first two paragraphs of the Shema, placed in a small box affixed to the door post
–“search –Written form of the Aggadah.
–ritual bath in running water –used by priests or orthodox women
– ten males (orthodox) or males and females (conservative or reform) required for certain prayers