Jazz Test 3

Jass test 3

11 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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The best singer to emerge out of the Bop era was
Sarrah Vaughan
An alternative modern jazz style to be bop in the 1940’s that was softer but no less complex was
Lee Konitz and Lenny Tristano were proponents of
Cool style
Bop was invented by this alto sax and trumpet jazz player
1. Charlie Parker and Dizzy Gillespie
A favorite technique of Bop was to take a chord progression from a standard tune and write a
Complicated, disjointed, fast melody over it
One of the first tenor Saxophonists t be recognized as a B0p player was
Dexter Gordon
An influential Bop pianist who played very high powered solo lines and played in a Charlie Parker like Style was
Bud powell
The song Koko by Charlie parker uses the chord changes from
1. Cherokee
Stan getz played the
Tenor saxophone
A pianist who wrote unorthodox melodies whose chord changes severely challenged improvisers was
Thelonius Monik
An important drummer in the Bp era to basically invent the drumming style of that type of jazz is
Max Roach