Jazz Quiz 4

Jazz appreciation class - quiz # 4

14 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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What type of pieces did Duke Ellington write?
- Orchestral Pieces- Ballads- Exotic pieces- Extended works- Concertos- Sacred music- Swing tunes
Differences between bebop and Swing/ Big band era musical styles.
- Bebop has smaller combos- faster tempos- clarinet and rhythm guitar are rare- complex harmonies and melodies- more agitated overall than swing music- The roll of the drum set is different- ride cymbal = time feel
Why was bebop less popular as a musical style than the swing era?
- bebop is much more complex. - it's not what the audience is used to- Less lyrics - less for the populists to attach to- faster - harder to dance to- more dissonant & less pleasing to the ear- less visual appeal
What was the first bebop recording?
Woody-N-You by Coleman Hawkins in 1944
What are some significant things about Coleman Hawkins?
- He has 2 degrees in music- not from the New Orleans tradition- He was a champion of new/modern jazz
What other forms of music were Charlie Parker and Dizzy Gillespie interested in?
Classical Music - specifically Serialism
What is different about Bebop drumming?
- The Ride Cymbal keeps time- The role of the drummer in bebop changes - Prod - Drop bombs
What is a contrafact and how does it work?
A contrafact is a new bebop line/melody played over an existing set of popular chords (chord progression)
What was the new proving ground for jazz musicians?
- New York
What did Kenny Clarke play?
Drummer & bandleader
What did Charlie Parker play?
What did Dizzy Gillespie play?
What did Bud Powell play?
Jazz piano
What did Max Roach play?