Jazz Final


46 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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What’s wrong with this statement: “Free jazz means that all of the music is totally improvised without predetermining any portions of it at any time.”
Some had preset chord progressions
The Art Ensemble of Chicago
Mimicked street bands of foreign countries, lighthearted sketches,
poetry, costumes/makeup, sounds for sound’s sake,
improv w/o following preset progressions of chords
Sun Ra’s group
Pianist, composer, arranger and bandleader
Chant music of Africa, Coltrane & Ellington based,
contemporary classical music using electronic/synthesized sounds, collective improv, communicate w/ outer space
The World Sax Quartet
3 Saxes, greater emphasis on composer, extended diverse tone colors, free form- alter prewritten and improv
What’s the name of the artists’ collective group from Chicago that was the inspiration for a lot of free jazz and contemporary thinking about improvised music?
AACM: the Association for the Advancement of Creative Musicians
Who is the renowned alto saxophonist often said to be one of the first pioneers of free jazz? (hint: he recorded with trumpeter Don Cherry and his approach is called harmelodics).

Ornette Coleman
What are some reasons why Charles Mingus’ music transcends this chapter on free jazz?

Many different sounds/influences – blues/gospel, bebop, big band
What does the term avante garde mean?
”New thing”, “out Music”, “Ahead of its time” –free jazz
What aspects or elements of music were emphasized more and which were emphasized less in free jazz as compared to say, bebop or swing?

Less piano, more extensive manipulation of pitch and tone quality, improv textures were more important (less dense), high energy, looser melody, non-European musical approaches- don’t rely on chord progression nor harmony
How are free jazz groups and early jazz fusion groups similar?
Lack of structure, electronic instruments, bass/drum- rift
How did early versions of the group Weather Report differ from their last recording?

Last: extensive repetition, feeling of soul music, riff based
Begin: collective improv
Which member of Weather Report performed with Miles Davis on recordings that foreshadowed jazz fusion?

Wayne Shorter
Compare and contrast Miles Davis’ early fusion styles with later works like “Tutu.”

Later: more organized, like pop tunes w/ no vocals
Early: Loose, improv, jamming
Compare and contrast the instruments used in jazz fusion music with other more jazz styles like bebop, traditional jazz or swing.
Electric instruments, aux percussion, electric bass
Describe the role of the bass and drums in fusion music.

Walking bass
No repetitive, interactive approach- discretely omit notes
Funk bass- repetition of syncopated figures,
Solo- not priority till Jaco came