Jazz Final

Jazz final  

32 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

Cards In This Set

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“Walking tenths” refers to a
Piano technique
The preferred instrumentation for swing was
The big band
The famous record that Miles Davis did in the modal style of jazz that had John Coltrane and Cannonball Adderly on it was
Kind of Blue
When a soloist plays in between the sung lines of a song it is called
A fill
The Rogers and Hammerstein song from The Sound of Music that Coltrane did a recording of on soprano saxophone is
My Favorite Things
Cecil Taylor plays
the piano
One of the names of the Kansas City style of big band or swing era is also called
Riff style
Ornette Coleman is a proponent of
Free jazz style of music
Herbie Mann played
The flute
Michael Brecker played the tenor saxophone and the midi wind controllerwith
Steps Ahead (on In a Sentimental Mood)
When a soloist does a free, timeless solo itʼs called
A cadenza
The chords in a standard blues progression are
I, IV , V
An arranger who worked closely with Miles Davis on the birth of the cool recording sessions
Was Gil Evans
One small section of music in the meter of the piece of music is called
A measure or bar
The song Ko-Ko by Charlie Parker is a Bop version of the already existing chord progression of the song