Jazz 3

43 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

Cards In This Set

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1. Who were the two great Bebop artists that we focused on and what did they play?
Charlie “Bird” Parker ~ alto sax, composer
Dizzy Gillespie ~ trumpet
Thelonius Monk ~ piano, composer
2. Name several things that each of the above are famous for.
Charlie: Kansas City, syncopated, add chords to existing chord progressions
Dizzy: Entertainer (Salt and Peanuts), harmonizing skills, crack high notes
Thelonius: Most original composer, odd music, used seconds
3. Describe the differences between Swing and Bop in terms of the following:
use of singers:
popular appeal:
visual appeal:
Sing: Rare in bebop more often in swing
Pop: Bebop was more art music for the sophisticated crowd. Swing was popular.
Visual: bop didn’t have as much as swing (was more serious) Swing had uniforms bebop didn’t.
abstract sounds & use of the melody
Comp: Bop wasn’t difficult to follow, not predictable, complicated -> solos and accompaniment - Swing was simple, predictable,
Dance: People didn’t dance to bop, did dance to swing
Ab: bop has less familiar patterns and are more abstract, harder to follow, barely detectable relation between improv and original melody
swing is familiar and easy to follow.
packaging or marketing the relationship to the length of solos-

h. dates of swing & bop-

Pack: bop- absence of formal packaging for improve and greater length and amount of solo improv, fresh improve (not written) swing- big band, use written arrangements,

Date: Bop: Early 40’s – early ‘50s Swing: 30’s, 40’s
4. What is meant by the triumph and tragedy Charlie Parker’s life?
Virtuoso but addicted to drug, died too young
5. What are contrafacts and what poplular song and song form produced many of these?
Written over the same chord changes, AABA – “I Got Rhythm”
6. What did Thelonious Monk play and what was so unique about his:
Piano, composer
  1. playing and composing styles
  2. his personality?
Play: Unorthodox melodies, challenging chord progressions in improv, logical and symmetric, concise, most original, clashing tones
Person: Unconventional, odd personality
  1. Name two artists and records that established the new style of cool jazz.?
Miles Davis – “The Birth of Cool”
Gerry Mulligan- baritone sax and composer in Miles Davis Nonet, west coast cool
Dave Brubeck- piano, composer, bandleader avoided bop melodies and rhythmic feelings, classic music
When did cool jazz begin and Miles Davis record came out from this period that has gone on to become the biggest selling jazz record of all time?
CA 1950’s, “Birth of Cool”, “Sketches of Spain”
  1. Who was the famous alto saxophonist in the Dave Brubeck Quartet and what famous jazz tune did he write?
Paul Desman “Take Five”
In general terms, what type of sounds did cool jazz players use?
Subdue, light, dry tone qualities, little/no vibrato, low levels of volume and avoid high notes, more relaxed and melodic than bop
What unusual instruments are found on some of the cool jazz recordings? (“unusual” for jazz that is)
What swing era musicians influenced cool jazz styles.
Lester Young