[Cari} Irregular Preterite Verb Sentences {Cari}

Project for school

7 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Anduve a la tienda y comprar un torta.
I walked to the store and bought a sandwich.
Él pudo alimentar el armadillo, pero estuvo vicioso y él estuvo asustado.
He was able to feed the armadillo, but it was vicious and he was scared.
La ella quiso Justin Bieber hasta su voz cambiar.
The girl loved Justin Bieber until his coice changed.
Las ardillas y mapaches venieron el sitio para acampar.
The squirrels and raccoons came to the campsite.
La chica puso los bigudîes en su pelo.
The girl put the curlers in her.
Tuvimos un secreto.
We had a secret.
Supisto cómo a dougie.
You knew how to dougie.