I/O Psychology 2060 Chapter 11

Study notes

36 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Intrinsic value of work
Is the value an individual finds in performing the work, in and of itself.
Instrumental value of work
Is in providing the necessities of life and serving as a channel for the individual’s talents, abilities, and knowledge.
Positive psychology
Is the study of the factors and conditions in life that lead to pleasurable and satisfying outcomes for individuals.
Environmental influences on mental health
Opportunity for control Opportunity for skill use Externally generated goals Environmental variety Environmental clarity Availability of money Physical security Opportunity for interpersonal contact Valued social position
Opportunity for control
Two key elements 1. The first pertains to the opportunity to choose your own behavior 2. Relates to understanding the relationship between your behavior and the consequences that follow from it
Opportunity for skill use
Two reasons to retard skill use 1. Lack of opportunity to use the skill a person has already developed 2. Lack of opportunity to develop the new skills
Externally generated goals
An environment that provides the opportunity to create challenges and goals for the individual
Environmental variety
This dimension refers to the benefits associated with an environment that provides choices and options
Environmental clarity
Two aspects of clarity 1. There are unambiguous rules and standards for acceptable behavior 2. The individual receives accurate feedback regarding the appropriateness of the exhibited behaviors
Availability of money
The presence of money does not ensure mental health, but the absence of money increases the likelihood of mental, physical, and emotional impairment
Physical security
It is difficult, if not impossible, to be mentally healthy if your physical security is in jeopardy. The environment must provide a continuous sense of assurance that the basics of life are secure
Opportunity for interpersonal contact
A mentally healthy person is one who experiences positive relationships with other people, for both social and emotional fulfillment. The effect of placing the person in social isolation can greatly harm mental health
Valued social position
People derive self-esteem from the value placed on the contributions they make to society. Holding a job provides a sense of social purpose to one’s life
The concept of mental health
Competence Autonomy Aspiration Integrated functioning
Good mental health is evidenced by being successful in various sectors of life’s activities, such as relationships with others, gainful employment, and adaptability