Intro to Theatre Midterm

Flash cards to study for my Intro to Theatre midterm.

90 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Abydos passion play
A "promenade" staging of the Osiris myth. Like Christian Passion plays, this story involves the death ad resurrection of the semi-divine Osiris.
The means by which an art form presents its materialTheatre: human speech and action
Fictional personalities written by playwrights and performed by actors
deus ex machina
Literally, "god from the machine," also means a contrived ending
The text to be performed; a blueprint for a live performance
Collective mind
Group think
Bread and Puppet
Audience members join performers for food after the show
The Butchers
"Naturalism": Director Andre Antoine hangs real beef carcasses onstage
The Mystery of Edwin Drood
In this musical by Ruper Holmes, the audence votes to determine plot points and character relationships.
Paradise Now
In this 1968 performance, the audence was invited onstage to get naked with the actors
The Living Theatre
One of the most acclaimed American companies of the 1960s. The Living Theatre were asked to perform overseas quite a bit, which is indicative of how much interest there was in their work.
Clothing appropriate to the event at hand
Collective mind
A crowd is a temporary society, and people will obey the perceived "rules" of the society even if it means going against their own individual inclinations/interests.
"j’assiste à une pièce"
"I attend a play." This notion of the audence's role "assister" is an active one, not a passive one. Given the audience's ability to affect a performance, it is increasingly an expectation that they will take an active role in the performance.
Suspension of disbelief
The agreement that for the purposes of the play you will accept the imaginary world of the play as reality.