Intro to Social Work Chapter 7

A quick way for me to study for chapter 7 in the Intro to social work

24 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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What is required of a generalist practitioner when working with the community?
They have to be able to assess community functioning and design specific intervention techniques.
Community work can be very satisfying if?
the generalist worker understand both the knowledge and process variables needed to be effective in this area.
Community organization
Has been recognized for many years as one of the main methods of social work
What policy statement was issued back in 1962?
The Curriculum Policy Statement of CSWE
Intergroup process
Attempts to help communities understand social problems that exist and utilize available community resources to bring about solutions that will strengthen the total community and enrich the lives of its members.
London Charity Organization Society
Is where the first attempt to coordinate community activities and actions stemmed from. it begun in 1869, which tried to eliminate duplication and fruad in relief administration.
Buffalo Charity Organization Society
In 1877 was the first organization to attempt to cooridinate and systematize social worker in the United States.
Councils of Social Agencies
was the first community welfare councils that was established by Pittsburgh and Milwaukee in the US in 1909,
Councils of Social Agencies organization wise, generally focus on the 3 main areas.
United Way
Is a national network of more than 1300 locally governed organization that work to create lasting positive change in communities and people's lives.
Community social work
Has great potential for preventing and solving social problems on a large scale.
Micro Practice
Work with individual, family, and small groups
Macro Practice
Works in communities and organizations
The heart of a social work
Interconnecting the roles found in both micro and macro practices.
Basic process in community social work
-research-planning-coordination-organization-financing-administration-committee operation-advocacy and social action