Intro to Social Work Chapter 1

Designed for a quick way for me to study for chapter 1

20 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Social work and social welfare are based on three premises
-that the person is important-that the person has personal, family and community issues resulting from interaction with others.-that something can be done to alleviate these problems and enrich the individual's life.
The terms social work and social welfare
Are often confused and sometimes used synonymously
Social welfare
Has a boarder meaning and encompasses social work, public wefare, and other related programs and activities.
Social welfare in a board sense,
encompasses the well-being and interests of large numbers of people, including theirphysical needs,educational needs, mental needs,emotional needs,spiritual needs, andeconomic needs.
Social work
Is a profession that has been developed to administer the very large and complex human service system put in place by society.
Social work is a scientific discipline but,
still requires a creative and artful approach to work with individuals, families, groups, and communities that are struggling with problems.
Social work seeks to enhance the social functioning of individuals,
singly, and in groups, by activities focused upon their social relationships which constitute the interaction between man and his environment.
These activities can be grouped into 3 functions
1. restoration of impaired capacity---2. provision of individual and society resources---3. prevention of social dysfunction.--- **provision (the act of providing)
The main focus of the social worker
Helping to improve people to improve their social functioning,their ability to interact and relate to others.
Social work is an art, it requires great skills
to understand people and to help them help themselves.
Distinguishing characteristic of social work focus on the wholeness and totality of the person
-emphasizes on the importance of the family in molding and influencing behavior.-use of the supervisory process provided for guidance and direction of inexperinced workers and for continuing growth of the experienced.-Social work has a unique educational program involving class work and practical field work experience, which go hand in hand.
Continue: Distinguishing Characteristic of sw: --Traditional social work
Emphasizes 3 basic processess:-clinical work-group work-community organzations
Continue: distinguishing characteristic of sw---Some social workers believe there is only one social work process-that of problem solving related to social relationships.
They state that the method is basically the same whether working with individuals, groups, or communities. the new approach is called generalist social work practice
Continue: distinguishing characteristic of sw Social work has 2 distinctive professional bodie:
NASW- National Association Social Work (small professional sw brought together to make the largest sw organization) -----CSWE- Council of Social Work Education (only accediting body)
Traditionally, social workers have provided
services and therapy for individuals, and families.recently, a focus on enrichment in living, for all people has surfaced