Intro to Photography

60 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Who said "if the picture isn't good enough, your not close enough
Robert Capa
Definition of Photography
To draw with light
Material sensitive to light. When a pattern of light falls on film and image is produced
A light-tight box. Has a lens that gathers, light from a subject
Light Meter
Measures amount of light coming from the subject
Name 3 things pictures do
Pictures inform Pictures invoke emotion and feelings Enlighten, Entertain, and Inspire
Camera Exposure Controls
Aperature and Shutter-speed
The shutter is the device that opens and closes to let light reach the film or sensor.
The Photo Triangle
ISO Film speed Sutter-speed Aperature
Camera Shield
A berrier between you subjects Don't let the camera shield you from emotion. Remember to say something
Snap Shot
No reason for the photo other than to snap and shoot.
Means something which has lines, thought, intensity, center point of interest.
Special Purpose Lenses
Fisheye Zoom Lens Macro Lens
Definition of a DSLR
Digital Single Lens Reflex
Definition of a SLR
Single Lens Reflex